About us

Enter the captivating world of hyperrealistic charcoal art, where the extraordinary collaboration between Rob Harris and his talented 13-year-old daughter, Georgia Harris, unfolds.

This dynamic duo isn't just crafting large-scale artworks; they're weaving a narrative of passion for conservation and a shared commitment to our planet's biodiversity.

Rob and Georgia, driven by a profound love for nature, infuse each artwork with a symbolic call for intergenerational collaboration—highlighting the urgency for different ages to join forces in preserving our delicate ecosystems. Their joint creations act as a visual testament to the need for generations to work harmoniously toward a sustainable future.

The heart of their artistic journey lies in the jaw-dropping allure of hyperrealism, seamlessly blending with the creative and conceptual realm of surrealism. It's not just about depicting nature; it's about elevating it to a realm of profound beauty and thought-provoking depth.

Adding a playful and lighthearted twist to their work, Rob and Georgia aim to bring a joyful smile to art enthusiasts. Their approach resonates in the details, infusing each piece with a sense of whimsy that transcends the boundaries of conventional realism.

Drawn to monochromatic work, the duo revels in the beauty of heavily textured and contrast-based compositions. Their creations are bold yet clean, conveying complexity through simplicity. This deliberate choice mirrors their belief that impactful art need not be overly intricate but can evoke powerful emotions through skillful simplicity.

Their shared passion for charcoal art extends to a meticulous use of brushes, charcoal sticks, and pencils among other tools. Every stroke is deliberate, and every texture serves a purpose, reflecting the commitment to the craft and the desire to bring out the full potential of the medium.

Rob and Georgia Harris aren't just artists; they are storytellers, conservation advocates, and champions of harmony between generations. Through their unique blend of hyperrealism, surrealism, and playful twists, they invite you to join them on a journey where art becomes a powerful voice for nature, and every stroke carries the weight of a shared commitment to our planet's well-being